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Video: My two teens are Changing What It Means To Be Blind

“Your son is blind. He will never play baseball.  He will never drive.  Your hopes and dreams for your son are gone. Learn how to raise a blind child.  Good luck.”

That’s what the doctors told me when they delivered the diagnosis that my son has a rare eye disease called Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA).  One delivery of that news is about all a person can take – I got the news twice. Both of my sons have LCA.

My boys have shattered the bleak box they were put in – and they continue to raise the bar on people’s expectations of what blind kids can do… at 16 and 13 they are just getting started!

WATCH & LISTEN: the song is performed by my oldest blind son 🙂 You can follow more videos and posts regarding their journey at our little Facebook community, Thriving Blind.

cover of what i can be is up to me cover with text The book that does good

Get the children's book that not only empowers children to believe in themselves and see their unique abilities, 100% OF THE PROCEEDS of this book go to programs at Thriving Blind Academy to empower families raising blind children to thrive!

Kristin Smiling a huge smile with autumn trees behind her
About Kristin Smedley

Kristin Smedley is a visionary leader who empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to unlock their hidden potential and gain a competitive edge. Kristin, a TEDx speaker, best selling author, nonprofit founder x2, business owner, and acclaimed filmmaker, leaves audiences on their feet cheering and wanting more of her energy and influence.

Kristin has spent her lifetime studying people that succeed without sight and discovering those repeatable systems and strategies that cause a  competitive advantage. 

As a single mom with a signature smile that has raised three children (two of which are blind) to surpass all grim expectations and out- achieve everyone around them, Kristin leaves a lasting impact on those fortunate enough to experience her powerful presentations.

the book thriving blind

Find out how Kristin went from crying on the couch over her two son’s diagnosis of blindness, to raising them to thrive! Download the Introduction chapter of Kristin’s Best Selling Book Thriving Blind: Stories of Real People Succeeding Without Sight. Click the button below!

Thriving Blind Academy!

Join the community with a vibe of THRIVE! Our mentors, live programs and online portal guide Parents of blind/VI children and blind/VI young adults and adults to create lives they are excited to live!